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Void Lounge

Open to EU and NA! Community Discord focused on GW2 Encounter Harvest Temple CM and other endgame activities.
Dévoué Europe Visiter le Discord Lottie.5370

A HT CM focussed discord, offering progression runs and reclear kill runs.

Our community has several purposes:

  • Make HT CM fun and approachable for anyone who dares to tackle it.
  • Help find statics and groups for regular reclears.
  • Create a nice and welcoming place for any Guild Wars 2 group content.

If you'd like to join, just visit our Discord using the button above - it's open to everyone! :)


The most important thing is that you are respectful to other community members! The right attitude and mindset make or break a run, there is no room for toxicity here. We do not care about your ap or kp, everyone starts out equal in the eye of the void. Keep an open mind and try to stay positive, failure is a natural part of progression!

If you want to join, just use our discord link :)

Log in to apply to join Void Lounge with your Snow Crows account.